Climate Policy Radar – Global Stocktake Explorer

Concept Methodology: Equity & Just Transition


References to equity and the just transition were identified based the Paris Agreement and on sources published by the Just Transition Centre and the Just Transition and Equitable Climate Action Resource Center. For more information about our approach, please see our methodology.


The taxonomy of equity and the just transition was compiled based on the Paris Agreement and on sources published by the Just Transition Centre and the Just Transition and Equitable Climate Action Resource Center. These sources were chosen because they are internationally recognised authorities on this topic.

The taxonomy was compiled by identifying key and common terminology used across sources from these authorities relating to equity and the just transition, and supplemented with semantically-related terms (e.g. decent work, green job, well-paid job) to improve recall accuracy.

The taxonomy was also adapted to match the 3 hierarchies required for the tool and additions were made to capture acronyms, synonyms, and other grammatical expressions of the concepts within the taxonomy. Learn more about our taxonomy methodology.


Performance Metrics

We measured the performance of this concept by manually labelling a test set and comparing the labels to annotations made by this method. We will continue to update this section as we improve our approach for detecting this concept.

Over time we will use these statistics to evaluate which concepts are better to detect using machine learning models vs linguistic rules.

Precision Recall F1 Support
0.64 0.34 0.45 21